Existing Partners
Making connections, going far together
The benefits of using our platform and methodology as an end-user organisation are having the freedom and choice of retaining your existing Consulting provider (on the condition they are an accredited partner of Decision Tree) or choosing one that has the best relationship and fit with your company.
Tier 1
- Generally fits the criteria of having an established office and regular staff across multiple geographies
- Can sell the Decision Tree product as a subscription service to end user clients
- Can train and certify users, for use of Decision Tree within the organisation, as competent, in instances where the employer organisation purchased a Decision Tree licence
- Manages relationships with clients that are licenced users across more than 5 countries
- Can perform job evaluations using the Decision Tree system, perform re-evaluations and Quality Assure work already done
- Manages primary relationships with 10 or more organisations that have purchased Decision Tree Licences for use within their organisation and/or performs more than 300 evaluations annually

Tier 2
- Can sell the Decision Tree product as a subscription service to end user clients
- Can train and certify users, for use of Decision Tree within the organisation, as competent, in instances where the employer organisation purchased a Decision Tree licence
- Tends to be smaller specialist firms
- Can perform job evaluations using the Decision Tree system, perform re-evaluations and QA work already done

Tier 3
- Performs job evaluations using the Decision Tree system and perform re-evaluations

Start Today.
Talk to one of our professional partners and you may realise that implementing Decision Tree in your business doesn’t require an overhaul of your existing framework.
If your Consultant is an accredited Decision Tree partner, it makes things a whole lot easier